
The Experience The Creative Economy Conference (ECE) provides a much needed forum for emerging scholars who research aspects of the creative economy to meet and discuss their work in a small and focussed setting. 

The Program

The conference typically includes up to 25 PhD students, post-doctoral fellows and junior faculty members from around the world. The format consists of presentations, panels, one-on-one discussant blocks where assigned partners discuss each other’s work and brainstorm future collaborations and walking tours.


2012 - Toronto (Martin Prosperity Institute, University of Toronto) June 19-22

Full Program (PDF)


Brian J. Hracs, Uppsala University, Karen King, Kevin Stolarick - University of Toronto, Melanie Fasche, HafenCity University Hamburg, Elizabeth Mack, Arizona State University


2011 - Toronto (Martin Prosperity Institute, University of Toronto) June 21-23

Full Program (PDF)


Brian J. Hracs, Kevin Stolarick - University of Toronto, Melanie Fasche, HafenCity University Hamburg, Elizabeth Mack, Arizona State University


2010 - Toronto (Martin Prosperity Institute, University of Toronto) June 22-24

Full Program (PDF)

Organizers: Brian J. Hracs, Karen King, Dieter F. Kogler - University of Toronto, Doreen Jakob, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


2009 - Toronto (Martin Prosperity Institute, University of Toronto) June 23-25

Full Program (PDF)


Brian J. Hracs, Karen King, Kathrine Richardson, Kevin Stolarick - University of Toronto, Charlotta Melander - Jönköping International Business School


2008 - Toronto (Martin Prosperity Institute, University of Toronto) June 24-26

Full Program (PDF)


Brian J. Hracs - University of Toronto, Charlotta Melander - Jönköping International Business School, Kevin Stolarick - University of Toronto, Kristina Vaarst Andersen - Copenhagen Business School

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