Teaching Experience

Course Instructor / Module Convener

* Designed and administered all aspects of the course

  • 2025: GGES 3021: The Creative Economy (3rd Year Undergraduate) - Geography and Environmental Science, University of Southampton

  • 2024: GGES 1008: A Global World (1st Year Undergraduate) - Geography and Environmental Science, University of Southampton

  • 2024: GGES 3033: The Professional Geographer (3rd Year Undergraduate) - Geography and Environmental Science, University of Southampton

  • 2024: GGES 3021: The Creative Economy (3rd Year Undergraduate) - Geography and Environmental Science, University of Southampton

  • 2023: GGES 1008: A Global World (1st Year Undergraduate) - Geography and Environmental Science, University of Southampton

  • 2023: GGES 3033: The Professional Geographer (3rd Year Undergraduate) - Geography and Environmental Science, University of Southampton

  • 2023: GGES 3021: The Creative Economy (3rd Year Undergraduate) - Geography and Environmental Science, University of Southampton

  • 2022: GGES 1008: A Global World (1st Year Undergraduate) - Geography and Environmental Science, University of Southampton

  • 2022: GGES 3063: The Creative Economy (3rd Year Undergraduate) - Geography and Environmental Science, University of Southampton

  • 2021: GEOG 1004: A Global World (1st Year Undergraduate) - Geography and Environmental Science, University of Southampton

  • 2021: GEOG 3063: The Creative Economy (3rd Year Undergraduate) - Geography and Environmental Science, University of Southampton

  • 2020: GEOG 1004: A Global World (1st Year Undergraduate) - Geography and Environmental Science, University of Southampton

  • 2020: GEOG 3063: The Creative Economy (3rd Year Undergraduate) - Geography and Environmental Science, University of Southampton

  • 2019: GEOG 3063: The Creative Economy (3rd Year Undergraduate) - Geography and Environmental Science, University of Southampton

  • 2019: GEOG 1004: A Global World (1st Year Undergraduate) - Geography and Environmental Science, University of Southampton

  • 2019: GEOG 3018: Research Projects (3rd Year Undergraduate) - Geography and Environmental Science, University of Southampton

  • 2018: GEOG 3018: Research Projects (3rd Year Undergraduate) - Geography and Environmental Science, University of Southampton

  • 2018: GEOG 3063: The Creative Economy (3rd Year Undergraduate) - Geography and Environmental Science, University of Southampton

  • 2018: GEOG 1004: A Global World (1st Year Undergraduate) - Geography and Environmental Science, University of Southampton

  • 2017: GEOG 3063: The Creative Economy (3rd Year Undergraduate) - Geography and Environment, University of Southampton

  • 2017: GEOG 1004: A Global World (1st Year Undergraduate) - Geography and Environment, University of Southampton

  • 2017: GEOG 3063: The Creative Economy (3rd Year Undergraduate) - Geography and Environment, University of Southampton

  • 2016: GEOG 3063: The Creative Economy (3rd Year Undergraduate) - Geography and Environment, University of Southampton

  • 2015: GEOG 3063: The Creative Economy (3rd Year Undergraduate) (Course Outline PDF) - Geography and Environment, University of Southampton

  • 2014: Labour Geography in The Creative Economy (Graduate Level) (Course Outline PDF) - Department of Social and Economic Geography, Uppsala University

  • 2013: Qualitative Methods in Human Geography (With Dr. Irene Molina) (Graduate Level) (Course Outline PDF) - Department of Social and Economic Geography, Uppsala University

  • 2012: Research Practice in Geography (Graduate Level) (Course Outline PDF) - Department of Social and Economic Geography, Uppsala University

  • 2010: Research Practice in Geography and Planning Graduate Level) (Course Outline PDF) - Department of Geography and Planning, University of Toronto


* Provided specific lectures for the course


  • GGES 1010: Geographical, Quantitative and Field Skills (1st Year Undergraduate) - Geography and Environment, University of Southampton

  • GEOG 6097: Field-based Data Collection for Assessing Sustainability (Graduate Level) - Geography and Environment, University of Southampton


  • GEOG 1010: Geographical, Quantitative and Field Skills (1st Year Undergraduate) - Geography and Environment, University of Southampton

  • GEOG 6097: Field-based Data Collection for Assessing Sustainability (Graduate Level) - Geography and Environment, University of Southampton


  • GEOG 1010: Geographical, Quantitative and Field Skills (1st Year Undergraduate) - Geography and Environment, University of Southampton

  • GEOG 6097: Field-based Data Collection for Assessing Sustainability (Graduate Level) - Geography and Environment, University of Southampton


  • GEOG 1010: Geographical, Quantitative and Field Skills (1st Year Undergraduate) - Geography and Environment, University of Southampton

  • GEOG 6097: Field-based Data Collection for Assessing Sustainability (Graduate Level) - Geography and Environment, University of Southampton


  • GEOG 1010: Geographical, Quantitative and Field Skills (1st Year Undergraduate) - Geography and Environment, University of Southampton


  • GEOG 1010: Geographical, Quantitative and Field Skills (1st Year Undergraduate) - Geography and Environment, University of Southampton

  • Swedish National PhD Course in Economic Geography (Graduate Level) - Department of Social and Economic Geography, Uppsala University

  • GEOG 6097: Field-based Data Collection for Assessing Sustainability (Graduate Level) - Geography and Environment, University of Southampton


  • GEOG 1004: A Global World (1st Year Undergraduate) - Geography and Environment, University of Southampton

  • GEOG 1010: Geographical, Quantitative and Field Skills (1st Year Undergraduate) - Geography and Environment, University of Southampton

  • GEOG 6097: Field-based Data Collection for Assessing Sustainability (Graduate Level) - Geography and Environment, University of Southampton


  • GEOG 1004: (Spring) A Global World (1st Year Undergraduate) - Geography and Environment, University of Southampton

  • GEOG 1010: Geographical, Quantitative and Field Skills (1st Year Undergraduate) - Geography and Environment, University of Southampton

  • GEOG 1004: (Fall) A Global World (1st Year Undergraduate) - Geography and Environment, University of Southampton


  • GEOG 1010: Geographical, Quantitative and Field Skills (1st Year Undergraduate) - Geography and Environment, University of Southampton

  • Economic Geography (A Level Undergraduate) - Department of Social and Economic Geography, Uppsala University

  • Urban and Social Geography (A Level Undergraduate) - Department of Social and Economic Geography, Uppsala University

  • Economic Development in Time and Space (A Level Undergraduate) - Department of Economic History, Uppsala University


  • Swedish National PhD Course in Economic Geography (Graduate Level) - Department of Social and Economic Geography, Uppsala University

  • Economic Geography (1st Year Undergraduate) - Department of Social and Economic Geography, Uppsala University

  • Urban and Social Geography (1st Year Undergraduate) - Department of Social and Economic Geography, Uppsala University

  • PhD Introduction Course (Graduate Level) - Department of Social and Economic Geography, Uppsala University


  • PhD Introduction Course (Graduate Level) - Department of Social and Economic Geography, Uppsala University

Teaching Assistant

* Performed a range of duties including designing course elements, facilitating seminars and tutorials, holding office hours and grading assignments and exams

2011: Prosperity and Competitiveness (Graduate Level) - Joseph L. Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto

2010: Prosperity and Competitiveness (Graduate Level) - Joseph L. Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto

2010: Creative Regional Strategies (Graduate Level) - Joseph L. Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto

2009: Social Research Methods (2nd Year Undergraduate) - Department of Geography and Planning, University of Toronto

2008: Labour Geographies (3rd Year Undergraduate) - Department of Geography and Planning, University of Toronto

2008: Spatial Organization of Economic Activity (2nd Year Undergraduate) - Department of Geography and Planning, University of Toronto

2007: Labour Geographies (3rd YearUndergraduate) - Department of Geography and Planning, University of Toronto

2007: Spatial Organization of Economic Activity (2nd Year Undergraduate) - Department of Geography and Planning, University of Toronto

2006: Spatial Organization of Economic Activity (2nd Year Undergraduate) - Department of Geography and Planning, University of Toronto

2005: Spatial Organization of Economic Activity (2nd Year Undergraduate) - Department of Geography and Planning, University of Toronto

2004: Economic Geography (2nd Year Undergraduate) - Department of Geography, York University

2003: Introduction to Human Geography (1st Year Undergraduate) - Department of Geography, York University

2003: Urban Geography (2nd YearUndergraduate) - Department of Geography, Brock University

2002: Introduction to Human Geography (1st Year Undergraduate) - Department of Geography, Brock University